
Automation give enterprises the ability to streamline their business processes, make them more productive, improve regulatory compliance, and significantly bring down the time required for their implementation. It helps in increasing productivity, more efficient use of materials, better product quality, greater control and consistency of product quality.
We at Guidona, provide solutions to organization by understanding their needs. We provide solutions which will increase the efficiency in workplace and reduce time and stress on the workers.


Analytics in automation is a set of tools, technologies, and techniques for discovery, interpretation, and communication of important patterns in data about the performance and health of your automated business processes.
Another critical application of analytics is applying the discovered data patterns for making decisions related to changing and improving the existing automation solution and, ultimately, continuously improving the company’s operations. Increasing the efficiency in the work place ultimately leads to better results in the business.

Industry used

Agriculture and farming
Banking and securities
Hotel and the luxury industry have turned to advanced analytics solutions to understand the secret behind customer satisfaction initiatives. Yield management in the hotel industry is one common use of analytics which is an important means to tackle the recurring peaks in demand throughout the year in consideration with other factors which include weather and local events, which can influence the number and nationalities of guests checking in.
Agriculture and farming
The power of AI has embraced even traditional industries like Agriculture and Farming. Big data practices have been adopted by the many agricultural manufacturers in many countries like America, which has launched several data-enabled services that have led farmers to benefit from the real-time monitoring of data collected from its thousands of users worldwide.
Banking and securities
Retail traders, Big banks, hedge funds and other so-called ‘big boys’ in the financial markets use big data for trade analytics used in high-frequency trading, pre-trade decision-support analytics, sentiment measurement, predictive analytics, etc.
This industry also heavily relies on big data for risk analytics including; anti-money laundering, demand enterprise risk management, “Know Your Customer”, and fraud mitigation.


Increase efficiency

Business analytics can gather a large amount of data at a fast rate and display it in a formulated and appealing way to help achieve specific organizational goals. Analytics encourages a culture of efficiency and teamwork by allowing the employees a chance to share their insights and contribute to the decision-making process.

Helps in staying updated

Customers tend to change their minds easily if swayed by better offers. Analytics gives you insight into how your target market thinks. This will allow you to be dynamic at all times to better serve the needs of your customers.

Better decision making

Speed of information gathering empowers organizations to make quicker and more profit worthy decisions. Data once analyzed helps to understand good and bad in the business and helps in decision making. Understanding the data helps in establishing better decision to increase the profits.

Key to increase quality

An analytics applied to a set of information will always give the desired output. Information gathering is from various source frameworks into a typical arrangement. In an organization, data is collected from all departments from the different divisions, so you can have more trust in the precision of your information. What’s more, exact information is the reason for solid business choices.

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Analytics can play the major part in your decision making process. Understanding the data for increasing the efficiency is very important. It can shape the future of business in to more success and profits. Guidona is ready to extend our services to your organization to achieve better results.
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Face Recognition Solutions

There is no doubt that facial recognition is changing the world in which we live.  It is one of a number of biometric technologies, in which your face is your unique biometric key.  Facial recognition systems have seen wider uses in recent times on smart phones and in other forms of technology, such as robotics. 
Facial recognition systems have been deployed in advanced human-computer interaction, video surveillance and automatic indexing of images.[2] They are also used widely by law enforcement agencies. It can help in improving the safety, fast and non-invasive identity verification and better work attendance system

Industry used

Hotel and resturants
Air Travel
Hotel and resturants
A number of restaurants are using face scanning tech to improve customer experience, especially for repeat visitors. As a person orders, these different gadgets scan their face and take a photo, which is stored with the order data. The next time that person comes in, the gadget and staff can greet them by name and suggest orders they might enjoy.
Air Travel
Many companies is testing facial recognition instead of boarding passes to streamline the process. Kiosks use passport or ID photos from the customs database to verify passengers and let them aboard. Last year, Delta also tested face-scanning kiosks to help passengers check their own luggage.
Biometric technology in airports is also a win for security. Last fall, facial recognition stopped a man trying to use a fake passport to enter the US. Customs officials say that these cameras have a 99% accuracy rate, as they compare photos of people’s faces on file from official government documents.
Linking facial recognition to personalization for shoppers presents a big opportunity in retail.
Facial recognition, for example, could capture what a shopper is looking at, and enable retailers to later serve up related promotions to the shopper via email or online ads.
Facial recognition, along with AR, is also making brands data rich — especially beauty brands.
Beauty Company collects a variety of data points around facial characteristics, including face shape, skin tone, wrinkles, and more. This can help retailers determine how people with specific facial characteristics may be more likely to purchase certain types of products, thereby potentially predicting inventory with greater accuracy.
Banks are beginning to use facial recognition as secure login tools for customers using their online banking sites and apps. The technology is said to offer “less than a one-in-a-million chance of mistaken identity,” potentially making online banking more secure.
The tech isn’t limited to protecting online data. Spain is using facial recognition at its ATMs to provide bank customers with an extra layer of security. Face scanning helps to prevent fraud by eliminating the need for a PIN or even a card swipe, both of which are susceptible to being stolen.
As the technology develops and becomes more accessible, it could also make brick-and-mortar banking more secure and personalized. Tellers would know customers’ names and account information, offering a better and less clunky customer experience.


Improved customer experience

Facial recognition can help in increasing the customer experience. Baking and health sector started to create a data to serve their customer better experience. They use facial recognition to differentiate between the customer, and all of the previous data of the customer is just a click away.
Further, technology can significantly improve marketing efforts with “targeted advertising.” This emerging type of marketing ensures the right advertisements reach the right people.


Most companies have different levels of clearance for different departments. Facial recognition allows for employees’ privacy to be protected.
For example, a manager can access the schedule and time records of their employees as well as accounting and HR records.
However, employees’ access can be limited to specific information that relates only to their job, protecting the privacy of everyone else.


Facial recognition does not need things like special keys or magnetic cards for verification so there are no external things that can get lost, stolen, or manipulated.
Additionally, facial recognition can be used with other supporting apps to make things like scheduling and payroll more streamlined and accurate.


Facial Recognition System is very useful in workplace, if used in the right manner. It can increase the security and privacy level inside and outside of the organization. It is convenient to use and does not create any hassle.
Guidona is ready to extend our services to you to increase your security and privacy and reach new heights in business.
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Virtual Try On

Virtual try on provides a platform customers can try on products using their camera equipped devices such as mobile phones. With the help of Augmented Reality, users may contextually visualize the item in which they are interested, interacting and confirming the style, the size and the fit before making a purchase.
A virtual try on can also help to reduce the huge costs that often incur due to the return of goods, especially when everyone is shifting to online shopping It also increase the customer experience and satisfaction.

Industry used

E - Commerce
Luxury brands retail shops
E - Commerce
In the situation of pandemic, online purchase of clothes and other essentials increase a lot. With the help of virtual try – on people can select goods which they like. It increases the customer satisfaction level. It also helps in reduces the cost that often incur due to return of goods. Whether it’s cosmetic, clothes or eye wears virtual try – on always makes the online purchase easy.
We should not forget that it’s a new age of advertisement. As the competition is increasing daily many companies started using virtual try –on while displaying their new products. With this they lure the customer to purchase the new product. Customer gets the feeling that these products are made just for him / her giving the sense of personalization.
Luxury brands retail shops
Luxury brands always want to give their retail customer higher level of satisfaction. No one likes to wait in lines of trial rooms. Luxury brands come up with virtual try- on so that customer can easily buy their products even on their retail shops. By this customer save time and enjoy the old way of shopping.


Reduce return costs

Increase in online purchasing comes with the one disadvantage of return. If customer doesn’t get satisfied with product they return it to the seller leading to extra cost burden on seller which ultimately decreases the profit margin. Virtual try – on helps buyer to virtually try the product on them.

Increase sales

Customers usually do not purchase the product in the confusion whether it will look good on me or not. This question can simply be answer by introducing the virtual try –on. It gives the customer clear vision about the product and eliminates the confusion.

Product guidance

Virtual try – on gives guidance to the customer about the product and the other similar products they can try on. It allows you to suggest similar items based on product properties or user behavior. Therefore, improving sales on desired products.


Through Guidona support, you can use give new positive direction to your business. We will help you to increase the customer satisfaction level. Thus increase in sales.
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